
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Interview Questions

This article lists different interview questions along with their categories plus some useful topics.

General/ IQ Questions
  1. Introduce Yourself
  2. You have 9 balls one is heavier out of them, in 2 turns using a balance tool you've to find out the heavier one
  3. You have 8 balls one is heavier out of them, in 2 turns using a balance tool you've to find out the heavier one
  4. A=200, B=17, divide them using +,-,* without using division operator
Software Design Questions
  1. Difference between procedural and object oriented programming
  2. What is inheritance
  3. Describe Association, Composition, aggregation, containment
  4. What is UML and how many types of diagrams are there in UML
  5. What is association and how we show it in UML
  6. Best sorting algorithm and why
  7. What are Design Patterns and how they are categorized?
  8. Data Structures
  9. Design and analysis of Algos
  10. OOP concepts
.NET/C# Questions
  1. Whats the different between abstract classes n interfaces
  2. Does C# support multiple inheritance, if not, whats the logical reason behind that, if yes then how we can achieve that, e.g. using interfaces, what are its pros n cons
  3. What is an Assembly
  4. Features of .Net Framework 3.0 (WCF, WPF, WF, WC)
  5. Partial Classes
  6. .NET Architecture
  7. .NET remoting
  8. DLL Hell problem
ASP.NET/Web Questions
  1. Architecture and Features of IIS 6.0
  2. Page Life Cylce
  3. ViewState
  4. Master pages and themes
  5. XML, XHTML and XAML
  6. ASP.NET Architecture
  7. AJAX
  8. Authentication n authorisation (ASP.NET Web application + IIS security)
  9. Web Services and their Protocols
SQL Server Questions
  1. Joins
  2. Cursors
  3. Connection Pooling
  4. Normalization
Advanced Concepts
  1. Cloud Computing
  2. Grid Computing
  3. MS Dynamics
  4. Sharepoint (MOSS)
  5. ERP
  6. CRM
  7. Service Oriented Architecture

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file

You might have experienced a problem while opening an excel file using

Excel.Workbook workBook = app.Workbooks.Open(Path, 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0);

and ended up with the following error

Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file '\\\ExcelFile.xls'. There are several possible reasons:

• The file name or path does not exist.
• The file is being used by another program.
• The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.

This problem occurs on IIS 5 and IE 6.

It is a known issue and Microsoft offers a hotfix for IE 6 to overcome this issue.

You can find a detailed description of the problem and the link to download the hotfix on

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Error in creating Excel Object : Retrieving the COM class factory

You might have faced a problem while creating an object of MS Excel using

Excel.ApplicationClass xl = new Excel.ApplicationClass();

resulting in the following error.

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005.

Possible reasons for it are that your ASPNET account doesnt have enough permissions to create that COM object so you have to grant permissions to the user which is accessing that COM object.
By default ASP.NET web applications run under the \ASPNET account, if you are using impersonation than the \IUSR_ is used to run that application so in each case you have to grant permissions to the respective users

You can grant permissions to those accounts to access the COM object on Windows XP using the following steps:

Configure DCOM

  • Go to the Start-Run menu item.
  • Type in "DCOMCNFG" and hit enter.
  • This should load the "Component Services" MMC (you can also load from Administrative Tools - Component Services"
  • Expand "Component Services"
  • Expand "Computers"
  • Expand "My Computer"
  • Select the "DCOM Config" item
  • Select the "Microsoft Excel Application" item.
  • Right click and select Properties
  • Select the Security Tab
  • Under "Launch and Activation Permissions" select the "Customize" option.
  • Click the "Edit" button
    • Click the "Add" button to add a new account to the list.
    • On the dialog that is displayed click the Locations button

      (select the first item which is your computer name)

  • Click the OK button
  • On the dialog that is displayed enter "ASPNET" as the account name (make sure location is set to the name of the computer that IIS is on) onWindows XP
  • On the dialog that is displayed enter "IUSR_" as the account name if you are using impersonation (make sure location is set to the name of the computer that IIS is on) onWindows XP
  • Click the OK button
  • Now make sure you select the following options for the "ASP.NET Machine Account" or the account that is the application pool identity ( by default Network Service)
    • Local Launch : Allow
    • Remote Launch : [blank]
    • Local Activation : Allow
    • Remote Activation : [blank]
Click the OK button and test your web application again and it should work fine.
The above steps have been taken from the following URL and you can go through it for a more detailed walk through

Five ways IT departments waste money

This article has been taken from the following URL:

Lets look at five of the most common ways that IT lets some of those precious dollars slip right through their fingers.

No. 1: Wasting energy

The electric bill is a huge expense for most companies and the IT department is a BIG user of energy. You can save more money than you might suspect by adopting even a few quick energy-saving tips. For example, IT personnel can power off unused servers and systems, force power-saving settings on desktops with solutions like Verdiem Surveyor, and simply turn off the lights when not needed in IT offices and server rooms. And that's just the tip of iceberg.

No. 2: Spending too much on mobile technology

Smartphones and mobile devices are the hip gadgets for IT pros, but company-provided equipment and plans may be costing more than necessary. A recent survey showed that only one out of four employees uses 75% or more of the voice minutes their companies are paying for, for example, and almost half have services on their plans that they never use at all.

No. 3: Using consultants when the job could be done by staff

It's a common scenario: Employees have been telling management for months or years that changes need to be made, but they've been ignored. Then the company hires a consultant, who charges hundreds of thousands of dollars to do a study and arrives at the same conclusion. If your staff has expertise in a particular area, it's generally more cost effective to allow them to do the job than to bring in an outsider who will spend a slew of billable hours getting up to speed on how your company operates and what its needs are.

No. 4: Hiring full-time employees when contractors would be more cost effective

The flip side of the previous item involves being afraid to use consultants or contractors when it's appropriate. Hiring full-time employees to handle a workload that's likely to be temporary in the hope that you can eventually move them on to something else once the project is over. This is when independent contractors make sense, especially when you have great staff members who can guide and manage those contractors.

No. 5: Overspending on hardware

Buying new hardware can actually save you money, if you do it right, especially when you're doing server consolidation or buying hardware that's less expensive to maintain due to lower maintenance costs or better power savings. Where a lot of companies waste money is by purchasing equipment for a project that requires intensive resources for only for a limited time. An alternative option is to use a cloud-based service like Amazon AWS that allows you to purchase server capacity that you can scale up or down to fit your needs.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Netbooks vs Laptops

If you are not sure about what is the difference between Netbooks and Laptops and you are willing to buy one then you must go through the following URL in order to have a clear picture:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Which Windows 7 suits your needs?

If you want to upgrade to the Windows 7 (Latest Operating System by Microsoft), and you are not sure which version to use for which kind of needs you better go through the following URL

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cloud Computing

If you are interested in cloud computing, you may visit the following URL to get some useful whitepapers

The URL includes few pdf documents along with a webinar explaining the cloud computing.

Five cool things you can do with a USB flash drive

In order to find out how handy a flash drive can be, you can view this video or transcript available at the following URL

You will be aware that it can do more than what is called copy paste and data transfer.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tableless web designing

If you want to make your web page lighter than the normal page size then you must use the tableless web design/tableless formating/ tableless layout. You can find the detailed description on the following URLs:

Friday, May 1, 2009

How to create a unit test

In order to test the methods you developed, you need to have unit tests. For this purpose you may visit the following URLs explaining 1) How to Create ASP.NET Unit tests 2) Data-Driven Unit tests

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Enabling SSL in IIS on Windows XP

Enabling SSL in IIS on Windows XP is not an easy task, have a look at the following URL to read the article containing the explaination on how to acheive this purpose

Good Luck