
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Interview Questions

This article lists different interview questions along with their categories plus some useful topics.

General/ IQ Questions
  1. Introduce Yourself
  2. You have 9 balls one is heavier out of them, in 2 turns using a balance tool you've to find out the heavier one
  3. You have 8 balls one is heavier out of them, in 2 turns using a balance tool you've to find out the heavier one
  4. A=200, B=17, divide them using +,-,* without using division operator
Software Design Questions
  1. Difference between procedural and object oriented programming
  2. What is inheritance
  3. Describe Association, Composition, aggregation, containment
  4. What is UML and how many types of diagrams are there in UML
  5. What is association and how we show it in UML
  6. Best sorting algorithm and why
  7. What are Design Patterns and how they are categorized?
  8. Data Structures
  9. Design and analysis of Algos
  10. OOP concepts
.NET/C# Questions
  1. Whats the different between abstract classes n interfaces
  2. Does C# support multiple inheritance, if not, whats the logical reason behind that, if yes then how we can achieve that, e.g. using interfaces, what are its pros n cons
  3. What is an Assembly
  4. Features of .Net Framework 3.0 (WCF, WPF, WF, WC)
  5. Partial Classes
  6. .NET Architecture
  7. .NET remoting
  8. DLL Hell problem
ASP.NET/Web Questions
  1. Architecture and Features of IIS 6.0
  2. Page Life Cylce
  3. ViewState
  4. Master pages and themes
  5. XML, XHTML and XAML
  6. ASP.NET Architecture
  7. AJAX
  8. Authentication n authorisation (ASP.NET Web application + IIS security)
  9. Web Services and their Protocols
SQL Server Questions
  1. Joins
  2. Cursors
  3. Connection Pooling
  4. Normalization
Advanced Concepts
  1. Cloud Computing
  2. Grid Computing
  3. MS Dynamics
  4. Sharepoint (MOSS)
  5. ERP
  6. CRM
  7. Service Oriented Architecture


Unknown said...

Hi Dear Russell, kindly type in english, I dont understand your language

Unknown said...

yeh u r rite....:)

Raja Imran said...

Solution against balance of balls :)

Unknown said...

gr8...:P so u found the solution...:)